What We Do

Master Planning

Concepts, phasing, visual impact studies, official community plans, parks plans, environmental impact assessments and mitigation plans; we combine the diverse skills of the Pheidias Group of companies with rigorous research and analysis to create beautiful, livable and successful places.


It takes a broad skillset to ideate a compelling sense of place and purpose for a project. We have what it takes and a track record to back it up.

Resort Design & Architecture

Award winning architecture; what differentiates us from other specialized firms is our ability to utilize the full resources of an architectural office to deliver a complete aesthetic package.

Design reflects human feelings and values and appeals to the imagination through the communication of a significant vision. We are able to interpret that vision and transfer it to the built environment.

From design guidelines for entire resorts, to the design of individual buildings, we believe that good design is a difference maker and is integral to the success of your project.

Ski Area & Base Area Planning

We have accumulated over three decades of ski area planning expertise. While utilizing the latest terrain analysis and modelling software, as well as our extensive on-mountain experience, we have developed a planning approach to ski areas that is predicated on a total mountain experience instead of a technocratic approach.

We help create that experience by analyzing the landscape and using software to assess viewscapes, exposure, aspects, slope and numerous other physical and environmental variables supplemented by on-the-ground trotting and analysis.

We assess ski lift and ski run capacity, as well as overall mountain and resort capacity. We consider ancillary activities. We determine the optimal mix of real estate, retail an convention space. We plan infrastructure and services and take measures to safeguard the environment in every decision we make.

What does this mean? We are able to design and plan for the best use of the land given a defined set of objectives.

Golf Course Planning

Working together with top golf course architects such as Gene Bates and Thomas McBroom, Oberti Resort Design can bring its expertise in site analysis and community planning to create golf courses that are seamlessly integrated into its overall resort plans.